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Whats On?

This year's event is packed with exciting features. Get ready to immerse yourself in a world of innovative ideas and transformative connections.



What's in store at #WiTDC24

Define the future of tech and innovation at an influential event platforming the work and forward-thinking ideas of women and underrepresented technologists! From carefully curated content to event and networking features built to compliment your career, you'll leave Women in Tech DC energized, ready to conquer the world, and invigorated about your career in tech.

Two separate images of one woman holding a microphone speaking into it and an image of a woman looking engaged and smiling

Curated Content

Prepare to be inspired by a curated roster of trailblazing women in tech and an agenda focused on the hottest industry themes. Sessions will unveil journeys in mastering cutting-edge tech, strategies to conquer today's business challenges, and defining the future of leadership. Engage, question, and gain invaluable wisdom from our speakers to overcome your own hurdles!

Imagine of a smartphone loaded with content as someone is scrolling through

Extensive Networking

Image of women sat around a table with refreshments networking

Your network is your net-worth; networking is key to driving your career forward with the Women in Tech DC community and beyond. From in-person networking receptions to online communities, stay engaged with your event friends all-year-round!

Career Advice Hub

Our evolved Career Advice Hub is the ultimate go-to place to define the next step in your journey to creating your own career satisfaction. Here you can gain personalized advice on your career, perfect your elevator pitch to potential recruiters, or even land your next role!

Image of two women sat opposite each other on a table conversing under a sign that reads Career Advice Hub

Practical Workshops

Group of women working together in an interactive workshop

Take your learning experience to the next level with our hands-on workshops! Immerse yourself in a dynamic educational experience where you'll unleash your potential and put newly gained skills to practice in a real-world setting. Workshops are exclusive to Premium and VIP ticket holders only with limited quantities available so make sure you don't miss out!