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Using Project Management Skills to Bridge the Gap Between Tech and Humans

May 15, 2024
VIP and Premium Ticket Holders Only , Career Development

Discover the essential skills for modern project managers to navigate the dynamic intersection of technology and human collaboration. Explore real-life case studies, engage in interactive role-playing exercises, and gain insights into the evolving role of project managers in 2024 and beyond. Learning to bridge the gap effectively fosters successful project outcomes in today's tech-driven landscape. Join us and equip yourself with the tools needed to thrive in the ever-changing world of project management.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understanding the importance of bridging the gap between tech and human stakeholders.
  • Recognizing essential project management skills for effective collaboration.
  • Learning through real-life examples and role-playing exercises.
  • Gaining insights into the evolving role of project managers in the tech-driven world.
Marion Karol, Vice President of Operations - Project Management Institute Central Virginia Chapter
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