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The Leader's Algorithm for Those Hooked on Tech

May 16, 2024
Digital X Human Stage
Not to be Missed

There is no single pathway to a rewarding career in tech. Join a cybersecurity professional who entered the workforce in 2022, a researcher and leader in the development of the Wireless Internet of Things, and a national security professional with over 16 years on Capitol Hill and at the Department of Defense, for a conversation about how they got hooked on tech. You’ll be challenged to examine and envision your own professional roadmap to identify gaps, spot opportunities, and unlock your leadership potential.

Key Takeaways:

  • Create your own personal algorithm for building your leadership capacity in tech.
  • Learn how to leverage your network as your competitive advantage.
  • This session is for you if you’re wondering how to fit all the puzzle pieces together for a rewarding career in tech.
Stefano Basagni, Professor and ECE Director of Global Programs - Northeastern University
Jamie Jones Miller, CEO and Arlington Regional Dean - Northeastern University
Fiona McCrae, Cybersecurity Engineer - MITRE

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Northeastern University
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